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what we do

Our team at Peacemaker Equity specialise in Private Mediation, Private Arbitration and Private Equity Court.

Private mediation

Mediation with Peacemaker Equity is an effective first step in resolving a dispute. Our mediators will provide a solid foundation for reconciliation, by holding an unbiased position, applying the principles of equity and encouraging people to openly speak up and raise their concerns. Our mediators will identify inequity between the parties, whilst encouraging one another to forgive and to become reconciled in their relationship. The best outcome is when the parties agree and absolve each other of their wrongdoing.


private arbitration

Sometimes people cannot resolve their disputes by negotiation or mediation and need to engage in an arbitration in order to obtain a fair and reasonable outcome.

The arbitration process is a formal process in which the outcome is decided by three arbitrators and is legally binding. An arbitration with Peacemaker Equity involves a less complex procedure than that of a public court hearing. Our arbitrators will go through the evidence and apply the principles of equity to get the fairest outcome for all parties.


private Equity court

A jury trial can be engaged if any of the parties are not happy with the outcome of the arbitration. A jury trial involves twelve jurors, and the same process used in the arbitration. All juror’s review the evidence and apply the principles of equity to get the fairest outcome for all parties.